Monday, May 17, 2010

The Escape on Volta tomorrow!

One more time for Volta! Tomorrow at 7:30 PM (EDT), tune in at for a special on The Escape! There's no excuse for missing this one.....unless you're too busy voting in the primaries.

EP promotion continues for The Escape, so I'll let you know if we get anything else.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bad Apples: Volta and possibly more

Hey! Just a reminder to go to tomorrow night, May 11th, to hear a radio special on Bad Apples! Click the "listen" button on the homepage; the show starts at 7:30 PM (EDT). Bassist BJ Felsted will be in the studio chatting with Cindy about the band's second album, Today Begins At Night. As always, you'll hear the music if you haven't already.

And another thing....there might be some big Bad Apples news coming up, but as always, mum's the word until everything's official!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Josh and Pete Band: Volta Radio, Battle of the Bands

Remember that all of my bands are on Volta Radio this month! Tomorrow night (May 4th), it's The Josh and Pete Band. Go to and click the "Listen" button. Tune in at 7:30 EDT.

By the way, The Josh and Pete Band have been performing and advancing in Jersey Shows' "$10,000 Philly Showdown" and guess what? They've made it to the semi-finals on the Trocadero mainstage! Sunday, May 16th is the date. Click here for more details and here for tickets!

If you haven't already, check out the band on MySpace and Facebook.